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Documents for Applying Indian Visa.

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Documents for Applying Indian Visa
Documents for Indian Visa-
There are several types of visa available to get to India that also requires different types of papers too. Here are some information for issuing visa.

Tourist Visa: If your annual income is above 2,00,000 taka you are eligible for tourist visa. To get the visa, you need to have some proper papers. The following documents must be needed-

a. A copy of Citizenship in English format from the legal authority with the clarification of indication the address.

b. A copy of electricity bill of the recent month of visa date.

c. If you are an employee whether Govt or private organization must need to get the letter of the clearance along with the details of designation, address and duration.

d. One of the important things is to have a bank statement where you should have at least 50,000 takas saving.

e. Finally, you should have a valid passport.

Medical Visa: If you are going to counseling with any doctor for treatment or visit any specialized in hospital then you must apply for medical visa where the following documents must be needed-

a. A copy of Citizenship in English format from the legal authority with the clarification of indication the address.

b. A must mandatory thing is to have an appointment from a Govt or ICMR OR NABH from a recognized hospital in India.

c. Besides the appointment medical records and diagnostic report of the very person from Bangladesh is must.

d. The following medical records and diagnostic reports of medical patient must indicate or recommend treatment abroad for specialized treatment of   aliment.

e. A bank statement with at least 6 months of transition records.

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